Kamis, 03 Agustus 2023


 Kelas 5A, C

KD : Mengeja dan menyalin kalimat sangat sederhana dalam konteks kelas

Tujuan pembelajaran :

Dengan diberikan contoh macam-macam pelajaran yang ada di dalam kelas Peserta didik dapat memahami macam-macam jenis pelajaran dalam bahasa inggris

Setelah kemarin belajar mengenai school obejct dan untuk pertemuan hari ini akan mempelaari school subject beserta latihan untuk mengasaha writing.

okay untuk school subject sendiri ialah pelajaran - pelajaran yang ada disekolah seperti dibawah ini :

  1. Math : Matematika
  2. Physical Education (P.E.) : Olah raga
  3. English : Bahasa Inggris
  4. Arts : Kesenian
  5. Social Studies : Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial (IPS)
  6. Indonesia : Bahasa Indonesia
  7. Science : Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam (IPA)
  8. Civics : PPKn

Berikut adalah macam-macam school subject, dan hari ini kita akan mempelaari reading beserta writing. Dengan soal berikut :

Read The Text Carefully


Hello, my name is Putri, and I am 10 years old. I go to a private school called SD Al Azhar  Lampung. I’m in 5TH grade. In our class there are 28 students, 16 girls and 12 boys.

I have a big and nice classroom. My homeroom teacher is Miss Nadira and she like decorating the walls of the class with posters and our work. In our class there is a computer and whiteboard.


My desk and my chair are brown. On my desk, I put my pencil case. It has a good color. In my pencil case I have many things, there are a red sharpener, two pencil, a rubber, three markers, a glue and a purple pen.

I do love my school.


Mention 10 things in the classroom based on the text above

1.                                                                        6.

2.                                                                        7.

3.                                                                        8.

4.                                                                        9.

5.                                                                        10.


Answer the question below based on the text


1.   How old is Putri?

2.  How many girls are in Putri’s classroom?

3.  What does Miss Nadira like to do?

4.  What colors are Putri’s desk and chair?

 5.  What does Putri have in her pencil case ?

Berikut soal reading dan writing, selamat mengerjakan.

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