Hari/Tanggal : Senin, 21 Oktober 2024
Materi : Part of House season 2
Class : IV (empat)
Capaian Pembelajaran :
Peserta didik mampu memahami kata-kata yang sering digunakan sehari-hari dengan bantuan gambar/ilustrasi. Peserta didik mampu membaca dan memberikan respon terhadap teks pendek sederhana dan familiar dalam bentuk tulisan atau digital, termasuk teks visual, multimodal atau interaktif.
Peserta didik mampu mengomunikasikan ide dan pengalamannya melalui gambar dan salinan tulisan.
Dengan bantuan guru, peserta didik mampu menghasilkan teks deskripsi dan prosedur sederhana menggunakan kata/frasa sederhana dan gambar.
didik mampu menulis kosakata sederhana yang berkaitan dengan lingkungan kelas
dan rumah dalam Bahasa Inggris menggunakan ejaan yang diciptakan sendiri oleh
Tujuan Pembelajaran :
1. Peserta
didik dapat mengidentifikasi bagian-bagian rumah serta kegiatan dalam rumah
dalam Bahasa Inggris.
2. Peserta
didik dapat mengggunakan can dan can't.
are you today?
I hope
you are always fine, healthy and happy.
the blessing and praises belong to Allah SWT and our prophet Muhammad SAW who
will always be followed for his sunnah.
My beloved students, bertemu lagi di pelajaran bahasa
Inggris bersama Ms Fitri.
Today we are going to the next material, yaitu tentang Part of house bagian 2.
Berikut ini adalah materi kita hari ini
Lets we read together
1. Nindi make a bed in the bedroom
2. Mother cooks in the kitchen
3. Mery and her family watch TV in the livingroom
4. Wisnu and her family have dinner in the dining room
5. Lola takes a bath in the bathroom
6. Bobi and his Father repair the car in the garage
Untuk berlatih silahkan kerjakan latihan berikut ini :
Let me tell you about our
house The house has four bedrooms, a kitchen and two bathrooms We have a large
and beautiful terrace We love to enjoy the afternoon together there Right in
front of the terrace is the yard Mom plants some flowers in the yard My sister
and I also love to play there in the yard Oh, I forget to mention the dining
room and the living room! We usually have breakfast and dinner together in the
dining room And the living room is where we have so much fu in the house We
watch TV, movies, play games and even do karaoke in the living room ! I really
love my house!
Choose True or False based
on the text above
1. They love to enjoy the afternoon on the terrace (
True/False )
2. Mom plants flowers on the terrace ( True/False )
3. They have lunch together in the dining room ( True/False )
4. They have so much fun in the living room ( True/False )
5. The children love to play in the yard ( True/False )
Nah itu tadi materi kita hari ini.
Jangan lupa untuk rajin-rajin belajar dan berlatih ya nak
Jangan lupa untuk menunaikan ibadah solat wajib, sunnah
serta membaca Al Quran
The last I say
wassalamu'alaikum wr wb.
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