Senin, 23 September 2024


Hari/Tanggal            : Senin, 23 September 2024

Materi                        : Part of house / Penilaian Harian 3

Kelas                          : IV ( Empat )


😊😊Hello everyone !! 😊😊

How are you today ? .....

Okay student, karena dipertemuan sebelumnya kita sudah mempelajari part of house yaitu bagian - bagian dari rumah. Dan untuk pertemuan hari ini kita akan mengadakan penilaian harian mengenai part of house tersebut.

Dan untuk soal yang akan diujikan yaitu seperti dibawah ini :

I.      Answer the question.

1.       The knife is in the ....

2.       We brush our teeth in the ....

3.       We have our lunch in the .....

4.       My mother is watering the flowers in the ....

5.       My dad parks his car in ……..

6.       Ruang tamuku sangat bersih.” In english ….

7.       Where do we usually put sofa and television?

8.       What is the name of the room where people sleep

9.       Ini adalah kamar tidurku” in English ….

10.   I have two bedroom” the meaning is…..

II. Read this paragraph to answer question 11-15!

My House

My family lives in a big house. The color of our house is brown and white. It has three bedrooms. One for my parents and two for me and my little brother.

My mom cooks in the kitchen, there are so many kitchen equipment in there. We eat in dinning room. We also have a 32-inch TV in the living room, sometimes I do study in living room as well.

My favorite room is my bedroom I like to read book and write a story there. The last part is garage. Our garage is not too big, it can fit a car and two motorbikes.

11.   What is the color of our house?

12.   Where do my mom cook the meal?

13.   How does our garage like?

14.   I like to study in …

15.   What do we have in the living room?

Oke student, kurang lebih seperti itulah bentuk soal direction yang akan kalian kerjakan pada hari ini.

Dan sampai disini dulu materi yang akan dipelajari, dan pertemuan selanjutnya akan membahas materi adjective pronoun. 




P   Beberapa peserta didik sudah tuntas dalam melaksanakan penilaian harian, namun ada 2 dari peserta didik yang nilainya belum mencapai kkm/ low. 

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