Hari/ Tanggal : Kamis, 20 Februari 2025
Materi : Tourism
Kelas : VI (Enam)
Tujuan pembelajaran :
- Peserta didik dapat memahami materi tourism dalam bahasa inggris dengan baik dan benar.
Alhamdulillah, the blessing and praises belong to Allah SWT and our prophet Muhammad SAW who will always be followed for his sunnah.
Seperti biasa, before we start the lesson, don't forget to:
1. Say bismillah
2. Perform Dhuha prayer
3. Read the Holy Qur'an.
In the previous meeting, we learned about tourism. You all did a great job with the practice.
Materi Tourism ini mengajari kita banyak kosakata atau vocabulary terkait pariwisata dan kegiatan yang berhubungan.
Selain itu, di materi Tourism kita juga belajar menyusun contoh teks terkait pengalaman kita berlibur atau bermain ke tempat wisata.
Dengan mempelajari materi Tourism ini, kita akan semakin mudah dalam menguasai kemampuan speaking, listening, dan reading Bahasa Inggris.
Yuk, cermati materi Tourism di bawah ini!
Vocabulary Materi Tourism
Art Performance = Pertunjukan Seni
Beach = Pantai
Boat = Perahu
Camping = Berkemah
Cave = Gua
Foreign Tourist = Turis Asing (Mancanegara)
Hotel = Hotel
Hunting = Berburu
Island = Pulau
Jogging = Berlari-Lari Kecil
Lake = Danau
Local Tourist = Turis Local (Domestik)
Making Sand Castle = Membuat Istana Pasir
Mountain = Gunung
National Monument = Monumen Nasional
Palace = Istana
Park = Taman
Rafting = Arung Jeram
Restaurant = Restoran
Small Gift = Oleh-Oleh
Souvenir = Cendera mata
Surfing = Berselancar
Swimming = Berenang
Swimming Pool = Kolam Renang
Temple = Candi
Tour Guide = Pemandu Tur
Tourism Bus = Bus Pariwisata
Tourist = Wisatawan
Tourist Destination = Tujuan Pariwisata
Typical Cuisine = Hidangan Khas
Typical Food = Makanan Khas
Valley = Lembah
Waterfall = Air Terjun
Zoo = Kebun Binatang
Contoh Teks Materi Tourism
On Saturday, my family and I went on a tour to the Tumpak Sewu waterfall.
Tumpak Sewu Waterfall or also called Coban Sewu is a waterfall with a height of about 120 meters.
This waterfall is bordered by Lumajang Regency and Malang Regency, East Java Province.
exercise II.
Matching the statements in Column A with their corresponding occupations in Column B.
A | B |
1. I like surfing on the____ | A. Temple |
2. They like jogging in the ____ | B. Swimming |
3. Razma likes ___ in the camping ground. | C. Lake |
4. They like ___ in the river. | D. Animals |
5. I like to go to the ____. | E. Beach |
6. They like ____ in the swimming pool. | F. Camping |
7. I like to go to the ___. | G. Beach |
8. There are many ___ in the Ragunan zoo | H. Field |
9. He likes to go to the ____. | I. Rafting |
10. We can playing kite in the____ | J. Park |
that's today's lesson. I hope you learn
Kesimpulan | Dari 27 peserta didik sudah memahami toursm dengan baik dan benar , dan dalam mengerjakan exercise peserta didik sudah mampu. |
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